Large cotton tips

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Another indispensable tool for your eyelash extension applications! You use it to apply the necessary treatments for the application: preparatory, primer, and remover at the top of the list, the large cotton tips will assist you throughout each step of the process.

Large Cotton Tip for Lash Extensions

The large cotton bud is a disposable tool used to apply different products to your clients’ lashes.

The large cotton tip is strongly absorbent, allowing for an accurate application. You can work on multiple lashes at the same time while applying the primer or while removing the extension, for instance.

Ideal for the application of the preparator, primer and remover.

Think about also using out professional range of treatment products to maintain the quality of the lashes and their durability once applied. Look through our store if you’re looking for professional materials specially adapted to ensure practice usage in the application individual lash and Russian volume extension.

* In Metropolitan France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands via Colissimo Relais.’ excluding lamps, bleaching, eyelash extensions, nail care, table and mattress.