Clear, cleansing lotion to be used as part of the StoreLashes Lash enhancement tutorial […]
Final step of the StoreLashes Eyelash Enhancement tutorial: the cleansing step. Perfect finish to the lash lift, the cleansing lotion removes excess materials and lotions (like the glue). Now the lashes are clear, clean, bright, and soft.
The unitary StoreLashes cleansing lotion cleanses your client’s natural lashes once all the enhancement steps have been completed.
Comply with each step of the tutorial to obtain a really pleasing result and lashes with perfect curvature.
Directions of use: Apply the cleansing lotion on a tissue or a cotton bud and use it to remove any residues left behind by the glue or any of the other products.
Watch out: this product is to be used alongside the other lotions included in the Eyelash Enhancement Kit.
Expiry: 6 months sealed/ 3 months once opened
Lotions conform to European standards.
Capacity: 5mL (about 10 uses).
If you’d like to switch up your lash enhancement technique, you can delve into individual lash extensions (or Russian Volume for the more experienced technicians).
To be confident and comfortable in your work, do not hesitate to use high quality eyelashes as well as adapted products and lotions. To discover the entirely of the StoreLashes range, click here. We are your beck and call for any needs or advice related to any lash techniques. As always, you can take a look at our professional tutorials for the most flawless techniques by clicking here.